Ah February, you are nearly gone. You are the longest short month of the year. Lots of rain, grayness, and cold, but still so much to love.
I was extremely excited to find a new*to*me sofa this month. (We love Craigslist). I wanted a vintage style sofa with the convenience of newer upholstery. And here it is. Can I just say what a blessing it was to find it for $60.00. The wool granny square afghan was a find at a thrift store for $6.00. You can see behind the couch a hint of my new lighter paint. The color before was a peachy-brown. I am very happy with how things are coming along with paring down and lightening up.

Beautiful flowers showing up to brighten our days. What a blessing.

A rediscovered favorite, *Ants on a Log*- adding a little excitement to snacktime around here- YUM!

The joy of a tidy kitchen. Makes me want to cook. I find it quite odd that I dislike preparing food in a messy kitchen. I spend a lot of time cleaning it up before I mess it up again~LOL.

A long held favorite in our house, nearly indestructible. Vintage restaurant-ware. I love this stuff. I am always on the lookout for these gems at thrift stores. I found a stack of salad plates recently for next to nothing. I love that.

Another thrift store find. I figure it is from the 40's (my favorite decade). The entire lamp is metal and painted this sweet green color. The perforations on the top of the shade cast the most beautiful pattern on the ceiling at night.

In anticipation of our resident hummingbirds returning, I thought I'd show off my Christmas gift from the children. Vintage of course, it sits in my kitchen window, greeting me sweetly each day.

We've been up to some organizing this month. These plastic document boxes, one for each child, will be tucked away in my computer hutch. I plan to use these for report cards, important documents, medical papers, all in one spot. This will help me cut down on paper clutter tremendously.

Beautiful Valentine's Day roses. I have a very sweet hubby.

We have plans to make one of these cool teardrop trailers for summer camping. The inside compartment houses a full size bed, perfect for hubby and I, and perfect for transporting camping gear. The backend is a kitchen, I love it! We already have a flatbed trailer and my hubby will build the body. I can hardly wait.

I have been doing some serious knitting this month. Stashing lots of gifts for next Christmas. I really enjoyed the simplicity of last Christmas, having all our gifts ready before December. We spent the Christmas holiday enjoying one another and more focused on it's meaning.
We've had some snow today. Quite a change from all the rain we've been having. I love the brightness the snow brings.
I am off to fix my kids some hot cocoa and toast. Perfect for a cozy day.
I pray that you are all having a blessed and productive (and cozy) week.
March is almost here, can anyone say *salad garden* YAY!
In God's Love, Tami