I have found that during these long, dark, and sometimes dreary winter months that I require more therapeutic activities. The time that I spend in the Word, journaling, knitting, reading, cuddling, and baking are like therapy to me.
I was reading "The Creative Family" last week and stumbled across the section on knitting. (forgive me but I already returned the book and now can't reference the page numbers). Amanda wrote about her very beautiful experiences with knitting, and it is clear that I feel the very same. The rhythm, the quietness, the moving of hands while the heart and mind are still. I can pray, contemplate, plan, dream. Knitting is *it* for me. My first choice of creative activities, especially when I get to rock a little in my new~to~me rocking chair. Oh and of course, I have to sit by the fireplace with a creamy cup of coffee :~)
When the dark winter months are over and we are spending *all* of our time outdoors, I will look forward to the cooler months that always come. Months that I spend rocking away, knitting in front of a warm fire. My therapy.
Have a blessed Saturday and enjoy lots of cozy activities with your treasures.
I know that Christmas is a distant thought in most of your minds, but I had to tell you of a wonderful book and movie we discovered.
I waited and waited most of December for the dvd to come to us from the library and it just now came available. So worth the wait.
We actually received a beautiful copy of the book as a Christmas gift. Seriously, I can't get through it without a little happy cry. (as my kiddos call it).
We are ending our week with errands this morning. Then back home where I am continuing on my decluttering and simplifying. I am pretty sure that simplifying is a journey rather than a destination. There is always more to do.
I pray that you are all having a blessed and productive week.
{Artist: Carl Larsson}
I am enjoying a slower rhythm this month. Like all of you we were very busy in December. I am one of those people who will say yes to a certain number of obligations, but when I start to feel like it's all to much, I retreat completely. This usually happens to me in January after all the busyness and celebration of our *birthday season*, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I long to rest.
January is a month of introspection and introversion to an extent. A time to draw inside, cozy up and re-access life here in our little cottage. I often wish that we celebrated "Boxing Day" here in the US, I would fit right in. There I am the day after Christmas, boxing up and clearing out, getting ready for a sparkly new year.
January is a month of few school obligations, there are no sports for us, no extra classes. I love that. It gives me a chance to spend a lot of time at home decluttering, organizing and creating a tidy home full of those things that are beautiful and useful.
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." ~William Morris
I spent the whole day yesterday with the *assistance* of some wonderful helpers, reorganizing the closet that my hubby and I share. It is a walk in, but small and very quirky. Boy, did that feel good to go through every inch of it and pass on what we no longer use. It looks so tidy and pretty.
The children's rooms are another area that I try really hard to keep up on. I truly believe that we do no favor to our children by letting them have *so* much stuff. My daughter constantly needs reassurance that she *does not* need to keep every little thing. I really hesitate to let her buy toys or stuffed animals because she becomes very emotionally attached, then she will end up with a room piled high and the inability to separate herself from these things she *loves*. We are really trying to talk to her little 5 year old heart about what's important. I was very proud of her last week when she passed on a paper bag full of little stuffed toys, it was very hard for her, but she is assured that these will bless another little person very much.
As part of blessing my home this month, I am going to do some painting. It's been awhile and I am tired of some of darker colors we chose a few years ago. I have one very long wall that is a dark rust color, that I think will become a lighter camel color. I want to do this in the dining room especially where we don't get as much natural light. Lately, I have been very interested in Swedish Country design. Sweden gets very little daylight during the winter months. Their use of lighter colors and woods helps to reflect as much light around the house as possible. I love that. I have already painted the kitchen a beautiful butter color (not yellow, but a warm beige) and I really love it, even on the grayest, icky Washington day, it glows.
I am inspired by what these ladies are doing this month.
Michelle at Be Still is decluttering and clearing out.
Stacy at With Great Joy is memorizing scripture all this year.
I hope and pray that each of you is having a wonderful January. I will end this month feeling refreshed and recentered, and ready to take on the busyness of the rest of the year.