Sunday, July 20, 2008

Around the Gardens

There are so many beautiful colors exploding right now.

These are my beautiful Crocosmia. The hummingbirds cannot resist the little trumpet shaped blooms. We here the little clicking chirps of the hummingbirds and know they are around.
Every fall I dig up the bulbs and redistribute them around our courtyard garden. What A delight it is to see them multiply.
We put together this little birdbath out of a 12" terracotta saucer and the base of an old parlor stool. I just love reusing old things in the garden.
I pray that you are having a beautiful and blessed week. In God's Love, Tami


  1. Beautiful! Red flowers remind me so much of "life". They are so bright and passionate just sitting there.
    We planted a few butterfly plants this year and have seen many butterflies and dragonflies. We so enjoy watching them and enjoying the creatures God has made.

    I am looking forward to my tomatoes ripening soon. They have done so well in pots this year.

  2. What a beautiful garden. Trully enjoying your blog.
