This quote comes from a book called "Little Spoonfuls of Chicken Soup for the Mothers' Soul". My dad gave this little book to me 8 years ago, while he was suffering with Pancreatic cancer. Little did he know how often I would refer to it's pages and be comforted by it's words.
My dad was a man of few words. This sweet little book was his way of encouraging me as a young mama, knowing that he wouldn't be there to encourage me as the years passed on. The Lord took my dad Home in January 2001, a few months after he gave this book to me. So this Mother's Day, in addition to celebrating my mom and mother-in-law, I am thinking of my dad and how much I miss him, and how much he taught me about being a good parent.
I pray that you are all having a blessed Mother's Day and a restful Sunday.
P.S. My dear husband's gift to me was getting seriously busy with my expanded vegetable garden and future home to our chickens! Yay! What a wonderful gift! The children blessed me with gardening tools that I appreciate so very much.
In God's Immense Love, Tami
Happy Mother's Day (a day late)!