Thursday, March 8, 2012


A little chicken love this morning.

A few kid photos I found on my camera. Anya is really getting into the close up shots. We love our critters! The chickens are the most photographed of the bunch.
Spending some time helping out in the classrooms today and running errands. No-Spend March is going very well!
Have a blessed Wednesday, Tami


  1. there's some chicken lovin'! I went by our local farm store today and they had their 'Order Chicks Now' sign up (First sign of spring?! It's 60 here today ~ with chance of snow tomorrow! lol) and I thought of you! I wish we were ready to have them but I'm practicing patience. All in good time! (And my,what a handsome boy and beautiful pup!)

  2. I wish we would see snow but all the early spring flowers are in bloom, so we will probably wait another year. I have been enjoying hearing about the no spend March.
