Thursday, March 1, 2012

No-spend March

No-Spend March is here!
Last year, I participated in the month of February. This year March seems a better fit. It was too hard last year trying to navigate Valentine's day and Eric's birthday. This year March will be perfect. It ends just in time to celebrate my birthday in early April :~)
It is hard to speak for the other members of my family, but they were all encouraged to examine their spending and try and avoid the unnecessary. Those candy bars really can add up you know!
I was mainly the one who participated. I cut out personal spending and cut down on our grocery budget for the month. I conserved in other areas, too. Walking instead of driving, turning off lights and turning down the thermostat, and trying to use less water.
Not only did it save money, but I was able to break some habits that were giving me a hard time. I realized last year that I am one of those people who shop out of boredom. Even though I was shopping at thrift stores and such, and I wasn't spending a lot of money, I was spending a lot of time. Wasted time equals wasted money. The time I wasted could have been used more productively at home, saving my family money. When I am at home, I can make more necessities from scratch, thereby spending less money......voila! That was the single greatest lesson I learned.
If you would like to join in, here is more information.

Blessings, Tami


  1. Good luck! I've pared down our expenses this winter with just the two of us. You are right the less time spent shopping the more money you save!!

  2. This is a great idea. We've pared down tremendously over the last year but have not tried a 'no spend' month yet. You are so right on the money (so to speak!) about time being money...I've given up a certain social network for Lent (that I dearly love as it connects me with family far away so it really has been a bit of a sacrifice!) and it's amazing the time that has been freed up ~ time used being productive and 'making' ~ translating into money saved and things made! Thanks for sharing yet another doable idea! Blessings to you and have an awesome spendless weekend!
