Saturday, January 7, 2012

::Family Crest::

We worked on a very special family art project over Christmas break.

I was inspired to do this project in two ways. I love the idea of having a family crest to establish the identity and values of our family. I was also inspired by Soulemama's "family art" post from awhile back. This is what we came up with. I love it!

Each member came up with words and images to contribute that were meaningful to them. It was a slightly structured endeavor. I had to really keep my *design eye* under control in order to not hinder any creativeness on the kids parts. It 's hard to give up control.......but freeing at the same time.

I painted the background and the crest, the tree branches with the little birds were my contribution, along with the words, "Live Simply, Expect Little, Give Much, Love Extravagantly".

Eric chose his favorite quote by Albert Einstein, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
I am so pleased with the ideas that the kids came up with.

We are almost finished with it. Just a few more family values to write around the edges of the crest.

This has become family crest, meets family rules and values, meets mixed-media collage art.

The kids are so excited to display this for everyone to see!

Have a blessed day,


  1. What a beautiful idea! Love how it turned out. My daughter is the artist around here and she would love to create this.
    I loved your quote :o)

  2. I'm back ;o) This is really delightful! Just *gorgeous*! I was making my way "down the pike" here, got so far and was called back to things of the day, and just returned to get a bit more caught-up in/and on the lovely sharings that I've missed~~and Tami, this is so sweet! I too was inspired by that post of Soulemama's a while back, and have a big canvas sitting aside waiting for the beginnings of our creative somethings to bring it to life, but *life* has been so busy for me/for us all since before Thanksgiving that I haven't had a chance to actually get everyone going on it yet. So, thank-you for this special inspiration that's come from seeing what you-all have so beautifully done together. I'm going to get back to thinking and praying about what we should do for ours. Off to sleep now. I'll be back to visit again soon as time allows. Do keep up your so-lovely blogging~~so nice to know you're here. Love you. xo
